Power Apps Named Formulas

Last Friday, September 16th, Microsoft introduced Name Formulas to Power FX. Named Formulas, and old concept that has been part of Microsoft Excel for a long time has now been brough to Power FX (currently experimental only). With Named Formulas we can simplify app initialization, reduce load time and logic and improve overall app maintenance

Dependent Assemblies with Power Platform Tools

In late July, Microsoft announced the preview of Dependent Assemblies, which would allow the ability to register individual assemblies, and upload a nuget package that contains both the plugin assembly and the dependent assembly. Previously, the only way this was available was the use of the ILMerge tool to manually merge dependent assemblies.

Dependent Assemblies with Plugin Registration Tool

In late July, Microsoft announced the preview of Dependent Assemblies, which would allow the ability to register individual assemblies, and upload a nuget package that contains both the plugin assembly and the dependent assembly. Previously, the only way this was available was the use of the ILMerge tool to manually merge dependent assemblies.