Using Multiple User Principal Name Suffixes

When configuring ADFS in your own local the default login of any user authenticating into the environment would be user@domain.local or something of that sort. At many times, especially when working with multiple applications, we would like the user to authenticate using different login credentials such as In order to implement this, we can add suffixes that gives us the ability to user a friendly logon name that is not the same as the domain or parent’s domain name.

Setting the Security Token Expiration for IFD Claims-based Authentication

When configuring Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 to your Claims based Authentication a Authentication Required dialog box appears every 20 minutes.
By default the security token lifetime for claims–based authentication deployment using ADFS 2.0 (or above) is 60 minutes, however the token expiration dialog box will appear 20 minutes before the actual expiration.