Considerations of Embedding Canvas Apps in Model Driven forms – Revisited

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about embedding a Canvas App in a Model Driven form, and compared the options of whether, in my case I should have embedded the app using the Canvas App control, or as we implemented using an iframe on the form.

Action Parameters referencing deleted entities

While working on a project, I recently encountered a strange behavior in Dynamics 365. I am not sure if this is a bug (or feature), but something that we should be really careful about. One of the entities that we were working on, was created without following the organizational guidelines and had to be recreated. In this particular scenario it is not really a big deal because the project is still in early stages of implementation so changes and cleanup occur on a regular basis.

Cloning a Record in Dynamics CRM

Recenly we received requests from clients and some questions from Dynamics Community members on how to Clone records. Although there are some available solutions out there, and the various possibilities on how to implement this, we would like to demonstrate here one possibly and not to complicated way on how to implement this. This implementation involved using Ribbon Workbench to create the Clone button and a Command that will execute a JavaScript function, which will call an action and execute Plugin/Action code to copy the record.

Creating an Approval Process

We recently had a requirement to add an approval process to an entity in CRM. This was a custom entity (Comment), where most of the fields were prepopulated from the web, but had a response field that had to go through multiple layers of approval/review. The review process was once the comment was received it would be assigned to a responder, which would then go through manager, legal and director approvals.